Works > Part of a Brief History of the Sunset; Xerces Blue

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We here at a Brief History of the Sunset, are sorry this was not the sunset you expected.
Sometimes it is not the sunset we expected either.

This Part of a Brief History of the Sunset, is a drawing of one species from a particular district of a particular city. This particular city was not a city very long ago. And though this whole project is a sort of subtle way of talking about displacement and gentrification in San francisco through the lens of ecology— sometimes we just want to look at the real sunset too.
Sometimes we want to think about the earth spinning in space and the enormity of it all.
The more we learn about the incredible —and possibly —infinite vastness of space — the more we think that the possibility of life on other planets must be assured.

Still the more we learn about the vastness of space the more we understand how incredibly rare and special the set of random factors that fell into line to make this place we call earth home.